From Lee's Desk, September 2016

I think most would agree, the time to attend to details like cleaning your shotgun or sharpening your field knife is better done in the off-season instead of the middle of the hunt. In the same spirit, we hold a meeting in the off-season to “clean and sharpen” our clinic model.

I think most would agree, the time to attend to details like cleaning your shotgun or sharpening your field knife is better done in the off-season instead of the middle of the hunt. In the same spirit, we hold a meeting in the off-season to “clean and sharpen” our clinic model.

For three hours the third Sunday morning of August,  a mix of active directors, former directors, clinic organizers and involved members gathered for the second year at our Instructor/Mentor Rendezvous to discuss what works well, what new practices need to be captured in our Procedure Manual and what challenges need to be overcome. This is also on opportunity to discuss our day-to-day, year-round activities of recruiting new members and clinic participants. The result was three pages of notes much of which will be sent to you as an addendum to our manual.

A business associate of mine, Michael Gerken, recently wrote a book, Creating A Culture of Valued Leadership. In it, he describes an effective organizational culture as one where “all associates recognize and value their opportunities to bring leadership to their roles.” Nowhere have I seen this concept better displayed than at the Instructor/Mentor Rendezvous. Those who attended have taken a leadership role with the Federation through their active volunteer participation in our clinics. Then they have gone a step beyond, taking ownership in making MHHF even more effective in providing youth the opportunity to discover Missouri’s outdoor way of life.

My admiration and appreciation goes out to MHHF’s members who keep us moving forward.