Greetings! Wishing you a year of good health and exceptional prosperity.

In May 2017, the MHHF Board of Directors set a goal to graduate the 500th family by December 31, 2018. We fell short of this goal by 16 families. Three more clinics would have put us over the top. Although we didn’t meet our goal, I believe we achieved something of equal – or perhaps greater – value. I think back on a number of occasions where young people I did not immediately recognize approached me, reintroduced themselves and shook my hand. These clinic graduates are considerably taller and more mature these days. Sometimes they share pictures of hunts they have been on with family and friends. What a thrill to know I was, in a small way, involved in their development with this activity that brings them so much joy. It’s a fun and humbling experience.

There are many roles and components to our clinics. We need a classroom, shooting range, land to hunt. We need instructors, mentors and other volunteers to take pictures, help with equipment and our camp lunch. Our Clinic Organizers are the front line “sergeants” who pull everything and everyone together.  It’s not a difficult job and honestly, a lot of fun. It just takes time. The process is all lined out in our MHHF Procedure Manual. We revised this document last year to keep it up to date. It states everything that needs to be done, when to do it and what to do when something doesn’t quite come together as expected. Every time I complete a clinic, I’m so amped-up I’m ready to start working on the next one.

This year we need to recruit more Clinic Organizers. Please consider this for yourself or someone you know and send their name to me at

In this update you’ll note that we already have dates for most of our annual events. Our annual Membership Meeting is Saturday, March 30th. Part of the agenda will be the presentation of the MHHF Keith McCanse, Allan Hoover and Volunteer of the Year awards. You can see previous recipients and the criteria for nomination on our new recognition page  Consider nominating someone and send it to by March 1st.

Our 8th annual Spring Fling Trap and Turkey Shoot/Benefit is also Saturday, March 30th. We are seeking sponsors for Spring Fling now. Email us at to get sponsorship information.

Our 9th annual Shoot for the Future Sporting Clays Benefit is Saturday, August 17th.  Please put these dates on your calendar now.

It’s going to be a great year for MHHF! I’m looking forward to sharing it with you.